Parliamentarians conference calls to disband UNRWA

Israel Allies Caucus Parliamentarians from 21 countries around the world visited the southern Israel town of Kfar Azza and as a statement of solidarity, signed a declaration to defund and dismantle the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, alongside KCAC Chair MK Sharren Haskel and IAF President, Josh Reinstein.

"This declaration stands as a firm commitment to abolish the terror-entrenched UNRWA, reflecting a collective determination to address the root causes of terrorism," the organization stated.

"It highlights the imperative to ensure that no funding inadvertently supports terrorist activities and emphasizes the necessity of encouraging true peace and stability in the region."

"Through this declaration, parliamentarians affirm their resolve to combat terrorism effectively and promote lasting peace in the affected communities and beyond," the statement concluded.